Threat Intel

What is IOT in Cyber Security | Problems, Examples & More

What is IOT in Cyber Security

IoT technology is literally changing how the world functions by connecting devices and seamlessly facilitating data transfer. However, this also implies that IoT devices are accessible gateways for contaminants like malware and ransomware to enter your IT ecosystem. Increasing cyberattacks through IoT devices and cyber security risks have called for unconventional threat hunting solutions that can provide optimum security to corporate networks that can handle unsecured IoT devices well.   

IoT is still an emerging technology. Therefore, it does not have a clear set of security standards. However, companies can adapt to security best practices and integrate threat-hunting solutions to protect their devices from cyberattacks. 

What is internet of things security?

(Source : Techquickie)

The Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses a wide range of practices and technologies which is extremely useful in protecting IOT devices, systems & data from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. 

As they are present everywhere, be it homes, businesses & other critical infrastructures, it is important to maintain a high level of security to mitigate breaches, data leaks & last but not least disruptions.

Why is IOT security important?

IoT cybersecurity is becoming extremely crucial due to various sectors adopting IOT devices, increasing the risks of a data breach, privacy violations, and possible disruptions.

Now, the main question is, what does securing IoT devices involve?

It involves safeguarding devices from cyber threats, which is helpful in data protection and mitigating risks to public safety and regulatory compliance.

Ensure implementation of strong authentication, encryption & update mechanisms to protect an organization’s infrastructure against ever-evolving cyber threats in this threat landscape & continue maintaining trust in IoT technology.

Types of IoT security

– Network Security

– Embedded

– Firmware Assessment

Elements of IoT security

1. Software and Firmware Updates

Close-up of a micro EEPROM chip, showing intricate circuitry and small size

Keep Updating your IoT device’s software and firmware to keep it free of bugs, patch its security & vulnerability, and improve its performance.

This will ensure that your device remains secure and more reliable overtime.

2. Protective Services

Implementing protocols and taking various security measures to protect IoT devices from cyberthreats that can include encryption, access control, and intrusion detection systems.

3. Motion Sensors

Used to detect motion or any changes in physical movements and is commonly used for monitoring applications, security, and automation.

4. Microcontroller

One of the core components contains a single integrated circuit with a processor, memory, and input/output peripherals.

Its responsibility is to execute tasks and manage device operations.

5. Connectivity Stack

Software layers that help in communicating processes with other devices, networks, or cloud services.

This can include protocols and API’s for wireless (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee) and wired (e.g., Ethernet, CAN bus) connectivity.

6. Authentication Services

Useful in verifying the identity of individuals, devices, or applications before granting them access to resources or services, which will ensure that only authorized & trusted entities can interact with secure IoT systems.

7. Power Management

One of the methods to control the power consumption of IoT devices can include sleep modes, low-power elements & efficient power supply structures to prolong the battery life and decrease energy usage.

8. Battery/Power

A picture of a battery featuring the word "battery" to indicate its purpose

One of the forms of power used to operate devices.

Its management is critical if you want to increase the longevity and functionality of your device.

9. Memory

Does the job of temporarily holding data & instructions during the operations & are available in two variety:

1. RAM (Random Access Memory) for volatile data and cache

2. non-volatile for storing firmware and configuration data.

10. Storage

Can include SD cards, cloud solutions for storing logs, sensor data & application-specific information.

Internet of things security problems

Below are some of the IoT security challenges:

1. Weak data protection  

IoT connects one device with several other devices. If the entire network is not protected with strong authentication, it can lead to cyber-attacks.  

2. Poor password protection 

Weak passwords or default passwords can be easily hacked and can increase an attack’s chances.  

3. Unpatched devices

If the system is not well protected when a patch is released, it can open gateways for hackers.  

4. Skills gap

Most users are unaware of how to use IoT devices. Therefore, IoT devices contribute to a plethora of privacy and security issues.

5. Insecure Network Communication

There is a risk of eavesdropping, tampering, or interception due to insecure channels used for communications.

6. Lack of Over-the-Air Updates

Here, manufacturers fail to patch the vulnerabilities or update software remotely leading to devices being exposed to security threats and escalating the complexity of the maintenance, especially for the devices that are deployed in remote or large-scale environments.\

7. Supply Chain Risks

Supply chain risks in IoT device security encompass vulnerabilities across connected devices, operating systems, and control systems.

The result is compromised network security & personal information due to the expansion of the attack surface.

Security breaches can also lead to supply chain attacks, which would probably impact your operational technology and disrupt network traffic.

Common IoT security threats


– Phishing

– Botnets

– Backdoor trojan

– Worm

– Zero-day

– Command & SQL injection

– Buffer overflow

– Network scan

IoT security examples

A monochrome image of a surveillance camera

Securing devices like Security cameras and printers, Consumer electronics, Medical imaging systems, Smartphones, Smart refrigerators & WIFI capable automotive & ensuring that they don’t introduce threats into the network.

Some real world Notable IOT attacks

Distributed Denial of Service 

In DDoS attacks, a computer network called botnet bombards a business with consistent requests. As a result, the system fails to respond and ultimately shuts down.  

In 2020, three Chinese ISPS attacked thousands of Google’s IP addresses. This iconic cyber attack lasted for six long months!   

Exploiting firmware 

These are known vulnerabilities. Often developer provides patches to the user, but the user does not download them. In such cases, hackers can gain access to the patches and wreak havoc. A simple way of understanding this is- If you can access a device remotely, so can anyone. Therefore, one should never take cyber security for granted, ever.   


In this type of attack, the hacker avails or steals crucial information by intercepting communication between two devices. Then, hiding the true identity, the hacker may retrieve some critical information from the victim.  

In 2017, a considerable number of high-profile mobile banking apps were targeted with MITM to expose the credentials of iOS and Android customers.  

Data interception 

Most IoT devices are unencrypted; therefore, they might expose login credentials without any requirement to decrypt them. Wiretapping telecommunication networks, copying files illicitly, obtaining copies of messages, and packet sniffing are some examples of data interception.   

Physical attacks 

This type of attack includes injecting malware into a network simply by plugging a USB into an IoT device. The malware can later spy on the communications exchanged within the network.   

Brute force attacks 

Hackers have developed a system for hacking. It is known as brute force. It generates password guesses till it gets it right. The hackers are employing the same strategy to hack IoT devices.  

Unauthorized access 

We all are drooling over ‘cool’ IoT devices like IoT locks, voice controllers, and coffeemakers, to count a few. Just imagine, what if one day you find out that someone has unauthorized access to the lock system, or worse, your home has been robbed! Most IoT devices are poorly secured, and their unauthorized access can cause serious troubles.  


IoT devices are prone to ransomware attacks, and organizations have to pay heavily to regain access to the system blocked by the hacker. For example, in February 2022, a ransomware attack on Swissport providing air cargo operations and ground services caused the delay of 22 flights as most critical systems were blocked by the attacker abruptly.    

Radiofrequency jamming 

In this type of attack, cybercriminals interfere with radio signals to hinder the communication of IoT devices. In this threat, cyber criminals use Radio Frequency signal more powerful than the spectrum employed by the system. As a result, it denies service to all wireless nodes within the interference’s range.   

IoT security best practices

One good way for service providers is to move from traditional security solutions & take a complete IoT lifecycle approach.

Below are a few pointers which are worth considering!

  • Prepare a robust IoT device management program. 
  • Ensure remote access security.  
  • Integrate cyber threat hunting solutions for abnormality detection.  
  • Prefer private networks as much as possible.  
  • Install network-based firewalls.  
  • Data encryption is a must. 

If you are an organization, you must educate your employees, especially remotely working employees, about potential cybersecurity risks. In addition, you should integrate a powerful cyber security solution into your IT ecosystem.  

How can NewEvol help You?

Do you want to have the capability of combating any IoT attack & data breaches?

Check out our cyber threat intelligence solutions that won’t only enhance your IoT device security but also fortify the overall network defenses.

The proactive capabilities of the tool will help your company preemptively address security threats and ensure the resilience & safety of the IoT deployments.

Krunal Medapara

Krunal Mendapara is the Chief Technology Officer, responsible for creating product roadmaps from conception to launch, driving the product vision, defining go-to-market strategy, and leading design discussions.

July 22, 2022

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